Executive charter / Air Taxi
Private aircraft and helicopter charter 24/7


Hoisting operations - air services



A hoist – assembly flight is an operation of displacing cargo, placing it at an agreed location, delivering it to the assembly team, assembling and disassembling it at location or combination of the two operations using equipment to hook up the cargo outside the aircraft.

Flights classification:

By the type of the task:
Category I – hoisting – transporting the cargo from one place to another without placing it precisely at a fixed location
Category II – assembly – transporting the cargo from one place to another placing it precisely at a fixed location
Category III – long-running assembly – transporting the cargo from one place to another placing it precisely at a fixed location after long-lasting hover (above 5 minutes). This tasks also cover the works with the operator seated on a platform outside the helicopter to complete
assembly or maintenance tasks

By the height above the ground level (AGL):
Category N – low – displacement up to 50 m AGL
Category S – medium – displacement between 51 and 100 m AGL
Category W – high – displacement above 100 m AGL

By the weight of the suspended cargo:
Category L – the weight of the hooked up cargo up to 75% lifting capacity of the helicopter
Category C – the weight of the hooked up cargo above 75%, not exceeding the operational limits